BAPETEN Opens Consultation and Licensing Services in the Health Sector at the East Kalimantan Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP)
Kembali 22 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) opened a consultation and licensing service for the use of ionizing radiation sources in the health sector at the Office of the Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) of East Kalimantan Province - Samarinda, on 18-19 August 2022. This activity aims to provide direct guidance and consultation to permit applicants regarding the Fulfilment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through Online Single Submission (OSS) with Balis 2.5.

The implementation of activity is carried out by implementing the health protocol by inviting as many as 38 different agencies every day and limiting the number of attendance according to the contents of the attendance link for both invitations and additional participants from agencies that are in the process of licensing, where each agency is only allowed to be represented by 1 (one) person. Representatives should in good health, wearing masks, social distancing, and bringing their hand sanitizer.


Consultation activities and licensing services are led by the Director of DPFRZR, Ishak and Iin Indartati as the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function group along with the related staff.

The event began with an opening by the Head DPMPTSP of East Kalimantan Province, represented by Andi Agustina as the Head of Licensing and Non-Licensing Services, in his remarks said "We hope that with service activities and business consultations, Business Actors who have not to understand the newly launched OSS system and the synergy between BAPETEN and OSS, it is necessary to apply procedures and this is the right time for Business Actors in East Kalimantan."

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Followed by remarks and presentations by Ishak, who in his speech said "Apart from providing direct services from evaluators, participants can immediately consult when in the process of licensing the obstacles encountered in fulfilling permit requirements, and hopefully all the problems can be resolved and matters not understood related to technical issues can be communicated”. And continued with the presentation on the Development of Licensing System for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources.

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During the consultation and licensing service activities, presentation material was delivered on the Socialization of Licensing Mechanisms through Integrated Balis 2.5 with Online Single Risk-Based Submission (OSS-RBA) and Technical Guidance by Maradi Abdillah, presentation on Criteria for acceptance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology requirements by Made Pramyuni, as well as a survey of applicant satisfaction. At the end of the presentation session, there was a discussion and question and answer of the participants regarding problems in the licensing process, and direct consulting services during the afternoon session every day.


The enthusiasm of the participants' presence was utilized by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator regarding the constraints in the licensing process for the use of nuclear energy in the health sector and the one-day issuance permit service can be carried out if the requirements are met. (DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/Da/RA)

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