BAPETEN Holds Industrial Licensing Development Related to Online Single Submission (OSS) in Bekasi, West Java
Kembali 12 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Since 2018, BAPETEN has been carrying out the mandate of Government Regulation (PP) No.24 of 2018 on Electronic Integrated Business Licensing Services which in tegrated the online single submission (OSS) system with Balisonline.In order to update information related to the implementation of this OSS, the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (RFRS) organizes technical couching of OSS by involving permit holders of utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP) in the industry.

The coaching was carried out for 2 days on 12-14 October,2020 in Bekasi, West Java and attended by 40 business participants as well as users from gauging industrial in Bekasi and surrounding areas by enforcing strict health protocols in order to prevent Covid-19.


This event was opened by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin who also delivered a presentation on the Policy of Monitoring Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources.In his presentation, Zainal underlined several things related to BAPETEN policy in monitoring radiation facilities and radioactive sources mainly during the Adaptation of New Habits (AKB) of the Covid-19 pandemic.The policy includes the implementation of The Chairman of Bapeten Circular Letter No.0842/K/IV/2020 dated 16 April, 2020 concerning Licensing Policy on Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources During the National Disaster Of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) as well as policies on the implementation of nuclear safety inspections during the pandemic.


The event continued with the presentation of the development of the Ionizing Radiation Source (SRP) licensing system by the Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (RFRS) Ishak. Ishak presented several things about technical policies on licensing requirements related to personnel, facilities, and technical provisions in order to simplify the licensing process and to meet the changes in PP No.29, 2008.

On this occasion, several things were also conveyed related to the mechanism of applying for a new permit, extension and synchronization procedure of Single Business Number (NIB) on balis online as well as the fulfillment of commercial license commitment by the Licensing Coordinator of Industrial Research Facility Wita Kustiana.


Present in this activity speakers from Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Norio Hasbullah Mansyur who explained that licensing trying to be integrated electronically through OSS.Norio explained a lot about regulations related to investment, an overview of oss system version 1.1, the implementation of Single Sign On between Ministries / Institutions, system development plans that adjust to the implementation of the Omnibus Law, a list of investment priorities and the addition of several features in the OSS system.

In discussion and QnA sessions moderated by M.Dradjat Kurniawan, participants seemed so enthusiastic by asking several things, among how to register NIB, how to fulfill a business license and NIB registration tutorial.In general, all participants can follow the series of events well and express their appreciation for the implementation of this activity.


At the end of the event, Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities And Radioactive Sources (RFRS) Ishak expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all participants and committed to always hear constructive suggestions and inputs from stakeholders in order to continuously improve the standard of licensing services so that the expectation of ease of trying desired by businesses can be realized.[DPFRZR/Henda/BHHK/YL/RA/OR]




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