BAPETEN Holds "Anugerah BAPETEN 2019" as a Form of Appreciation and Guidance to User Agencies and Regional Heads
Kembali 24 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Supervision of the use of nuclear power is not only related to sanctions, but also related to the appreciation for agencies that obey and follow the nuclear regulatory. To determine the optimal supervision function of nuclear power utilization, BAPETEN needs to determine measurable indicators as an idea status of the safety and security facility through Nuclear Safety and Security Index obtained through the Inspection Report and Facilty Safety Report and active participation in Protection of Radiological Patient through The Radiation Dose of Patient Information Management System (Si-INTAN) and its implementation.

Appreciation to agency that obey and follow the BAPETEN procedure received an "Anugerah BAPETEN" award to several agencies, both engaged in health, industry and several leaders of the Regional Head. Anugerah BAPETEN 2019 with the theme "Increasing Synergy of Nuclear Safety and Security Supervision through User's Active Role" held on Wednesday, July 24 in Jakarta, was the fifth time held. In previous years, this event was called the BAPETEN Safety and Security Awards (BSSA).

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This year, BAPETEN gave award to facilities with IKKN that met safety and security requirements based on consideration of licensing status and condition of dose assessment for workers and the period of reading the dose gauges of the workers, follow-up responses to emergencies, and active participation in Radiology Patient Protection through the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN).

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The event was opened by the Head of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, who in his opening remarks said that "Anugerah BAPETEN is divided into two main areas, nuclear safety and security and the field of protection of radiological patients. This BAPETEN award is given to agencies that get a very good predicate from evaluations made by BAPETEN".

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"Other than the agency and individual, Anugerah BAPETEN are also given to regional governments. The regional government that received Anugerah BAPETEN is chosen based on the number of Anugerah BAPETEN recipient agencies in the area of the regional government".

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In 2019, there were 304 agencies and/or individual receiving BAPETEN awards consisting of 18 regional governments, 89 health facilities, 171 facility and industry facilities, 12 most active hospitals in recording and reporting patient dose data, and 14 best speakers.

The regional government that receive the Anugerah BAPETEN consists of 8 provincial level governments, namely DKI Jakarta, South Sumatra, Central Java, East Java, West Java, East Kalimantan, D.I Yogyakarta and Banten. In addition, 10 district/city regional governments that receive BAPETEN awards are Bogor District, Batam City, Palembang City, Gresik District, Karawang District, North Jakarta City, South Jakarta City, Semarang City and Cilegon City.



BATAN and Bareskrim Polri also receive the BAPETEN Award as an Agency that actively participating in the use of nuclear power which prioritize safety and security factors and also supporting the implementation of law enforcement.


At the end of the event, a talkshow was held by presenting the recipients of the award as speakers and guided by the Head of the Center of RFRS Regulatory Assesment, Djoko Hari Nugroho.

May Allah SWT grant nuclear for the prosperity of the Indonesian people optimizing the nuclear energy utilization monitoring licensing system. [BHKK/BAM]

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