BAPETEN Held Radiation Protection and Safety Training for Radiology Intervention Installation Workers
Kembali 22 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to improve the competence of human resources in radiation safety field, especially for workers in interventional cardiology facilities, training is needed to improve understanding of the effects of radiation and to provide knowledge about radiation protection and radiation safety guidelines. For that reason, BAPETEN Education and Training Center held Radiation Protection and Safety Training for Radiology Intervention Installation Workers from 22nd until 26th of July 2019 in BAPETEN Education and Training Center Building, in Cisarua, Bogor.

The training, which was opened by the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Khoirul Huda, on Monday morning (22/7/2019), was attended by participants from the medical community consisting of Sp.JP. doctors (5 people), Sp.An. doctors, (3 people), nurses (13 people), radiographers (2 people) and scrubber (1 person).

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According to the Head of the Organizing Section ang Training Facilities, Umul Khair who was present to give a speech representing the Head of Education and Training Center of BAPETEN, said that the purpose of this training was to provide radiation knowledge and the basics of radiation protection and radiation safety and its practice to support radiation workers on doing services at intervention facilities.

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Meanwhile, in his speech, Khoirul say, "Seeing the participants from the medical and hospital circles, of course it is not strange with the nuclear term, and of course through this training will be explained in more detail about the nuclear and related regulations to become additional knowledge for participants.”

Furthermore, Khoirul said that nuclear existence is mysterious, cannot be heard and invisible, cannot be touched and does not smell, but nuclear is dangerous if its utilization is not carried out properly according to the rules and regulations in force.


During the five days of training, participants will learn through theory, practice and visits. Among the material that will be presented to participants include Radiation Protection and Safety Policies, Regulations regarding Protection and Safety Radiation, The Basis of Radiation Physics, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiation Protection Equipment, Protection and Safety Radiation of Intervention Radiology Installation, Safety Culture and Emergency Radiation.


Hopefully, this training can provide maximum benefit for participants and then can be applied in their respective agency. [BHKK/BAM]

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