BAPETEN conducts Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision Dissemination in Pati, Central Java
Kembali 21 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As a supervisory agency, BAPETEN has duties and functions to supervise the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia. But in addition to these duties and functions, BAPETEN also has a strategic program in carrying out public education which aims to provide a correct understanding of nuclear energy, nuclear utilization, and introduce the existence of a nuclear energy supervisory agency.

The socialization with the theme of Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision in Indonesia was carried out in coordination and cooperation between BAPETEN and DPR-RI. Socialization activities are carried out in all provinces in Indonesia and this time the socialization was held in Pati, Central Java which received a positive response from the community.

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The event began with remarks from the BAPETEN Public Communication Coordinator Abdul Qohhar who said "This socialization is expected to provide information regarding the supervision of the use of nuclear energy so that it can provide peace of mind to the community."

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The event was opened by Member of Commission VII DPR RI Marwan Jafar who said "BAPETEN is still not widely known by the public, therefore BAPETEN needs to conduct broader socialization to the public to be better known."

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"BAPETEN needs to synergize and collaborate with other institutions that are needed in the context of nuclear energy supervision in Indonesia," he added.

The event continued with a presentation by BAPETEN Public Communication Coordinator Abdul Qohhar who delivered material on the Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization by BAPETEN. In carrying out its duties, supervising the utilization of nuclear power in Indonesia, BAPETEN prepares regulations, issues permit, and carries out inspections."


The event, which was held on Sunday, 20 November 2022, attended by 100 participants from Pati, Central Java. At the end of the presentation, a question and answer session was held with the community. [BHKK/OR/AQ/Da/RA]

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