BAPETEN Commits in Developing Capability of Human Resources by Holding a National Workshop for Transport Safety of Radioactive Material
Kembali 23 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Radiation Safety in Transporting Radioactive Material are very important and fundamental thing that aims to protect workers, community members, and the environment from the radiation hazards during the Transport of Radioactive Material. Transporting / shipping Radioactive Material from one place to another through a network of public traffic, using the means of land, water, or air transportation facilities, requires good coordination by involving various relevant stakeholders.

Throughout 2019, no less than 1761 KTUN Approval of the Delivery of Radioactive Material has been issued by BAPETEN in the industrial and medical fields. The number of KTUN increases from year to year illustrates the very high mobility of radioactive material throughout Indonesia.


In order to coordinate several national policies regarding the transport of radioactive substances with related stakeholders, BAPETEN collaborated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held a National Workshop for Transport Safety of Radioactive Material in Bandung - West Java. This activity was held for 4 (four) days on 22-25 July 2019 and was attended by no less than 40 (forty) participants from BAPETEN, BATAN, Directorate General of Customs and Excise, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Indonesian Pilot Association.


The event was officially opened by Ishak as the Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, accompanied by Wita Kustiana as Head of The Subdirectorate of Licensing Research and Industrial Facilities and Mukhlisin as Head of The Subdirectorate of Licensing Health Facilities. This activity presented experts from IAEA Mr. Stephen Whittingham and Mr. Frank Nitsche as the workshop speaker and related BAPETEN officials.


In his opening remark, Ishak said that this workshop is very important to be carried out with the goal to increase the understanding and knowledge about radiation safety in transporting radioactive material so that the capability of the human resources involved would increase.


In his presentation, experts from the IAEA underlined the strengthening and improvement of the cooperation of various parties as effort to effectiveness of radiation safety in transporting radioactive material.

In this workshop, there were also discussions of several important issues related to the aspects of safety and management of radiation safety. The participants seemed enthusiastic in attending this workshop, this was proven by the warm discussion in each material session as well as solving problems encountered in the field. [DPFRZR/HEN/BHKK/BAM]

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