Assistance in Reporting Radiation Dose Data for Patients at Maternal and Child Hospital in Jakarta Region
Kembali 30 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETENReporting of radiation dose data for diagnostic patients through the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN) application has been mandated in BAPETEN Regulation Number 4 of 2020. In order to encourage compliance in reporting this patient radiation dose data, the BAPETEN Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR) provides coaching services through routine facility assistance. This assistance was carried out in the Jakarta area on October 28-30, 2024.
In this assistance, the BAPETEN Team was led by the Lead of the National Patient Radiation Dose Mapping Working Group, Endang Kunarsih, along with Radiation Supervisors Hermansyah and Elina Putri Anugrah. The team provided guidance in the process of recording radiation dose data, its reporting mechanism, and at the same time assisted in providing radiation output data through direct measurements of the available modalities.
On that occasion, Endang emphasized that recording and reporting of patient radiation doses is mandatory, and the incoming data will be further processed into a patient radiation dose profile for certain types of examinations or to determine/update the national diagnostic guideline level (TPD). This diagnostic guideline level must be used by facilities as a guide in evaluating patient protection optimization at the facility. Endang also added that this time the mentoring target is Maternal and Child Hospital (RSIA) because BAPETEN has begun collecting radiation dose data specifically for child patients (pediatrics) for the purpose of determining the national pediatric TPD.
The six RSIA that were mentored were RSIA Santo Yusuf in North Jakarta, RSIA Brawijaya in South Jakarta, RSIA Bunda Aliyah (Alia Hospital) in East Jakarta, RSIA Tambak in Central Jakarta, RSIA YPK Mandiri in Central Jakarta, and RSIA Sayyidah in East Jakarta. These facilities were quite enthusiastic in this mentoring because the obstacles faced by the facilities could be directly guided to resolve them so that they could report successfully. The facility is also committed to reporting patient radiation dose data routinely to BAPETEN. [BHKK/CD/GP/SP/Translator: GP]
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