ANSN Forum Encourages Increased Cooperation in Radioactive Waste Management
Kembali 26 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Chairman of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istianto, was officially opened the Regional Meeting on the Development and Implementation of Radioactive Waste Management Programs Focusing on Facility Design, Construction and Operations and Biennial Meeting of the ANSN Radioactive Waste Management, on February 25, 2019 in Jakarta.

The meeting which was held by the ANSN Forum with the IAEA took place from 25 February to 1 March was attended by several countries in Asia, namely Bangladesh, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia.

In his remarks, the Chairman of BAPETEN said that BAPETEN was pleased being the host of this Regional meeting and hoped that the participants could share their relevant knowledge and experience, as well as the potential resources in this meeting.


Furthermore, Jazi also hoped that this meeting can improve and enhance cooperation among member countries to provide efficient and effective solutions to facilitate safety related to the provisions for regulating radioactive waste.

"I truly believe this meeting is of great benefit to the member-countries to fulfill our needs to increase cooperation among member countries in the region," he said.


Act as a coordinator in this meeting, IAEA, Mr. Masahiro Uchida was accompanied by another IAEA Mr. Gerrad Bruno.

Masahiro conveyed one of the goals in the activities of the Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) is to provide detailed information to Member States related to the whole amalgamation of radioactive waste management and the development of its transportation provision.


"This meeting will focus on the design, construction and procurement of key facilities from radioactive waste management programs. This will include management facilities such as storage facilities and for all types of radioactive waste storage facilities. The safety aspect of the development phase of the facilities and activities of the radioactive waste management program will also be discussed, "said Mr. Masahiro revealed.


It is hoped that this meeting will be an opportunity to increase knowledge exchange between participants and experts in the field of radioactive waste management(bhkkp/bsb).




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